Tuesday 21 September 2010


For the pre-production stage, we had to create our storyboard and create a props list for the video (see earlier posts for details). We were in groups of 7 or 8, and we had to try and re-create the first 1 minute 14 seconds of the video for Busted's What I Go To School For.

For the storyboard, we split the video into 3 sections of roughly 25 seconds. We had to do a rough picture of the shot, and then write down the type of shot, the duration and the camera angle/ type. My group did the quite well, and it was our storyboards that the class ended up using for the production of the video.

The skills I developed in the process of the making the storyboard was mostly teamwork and co-ordination. We had to make sure everyone knew which bit they were doing, and not to do the same shots twice to avoid confusion in the production stage. With good co-ordination as a group, we could work efficiently and quickly, so that we aren't cutting into the time that can be spent on our main coursework videos.

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